6 May 1999.

To: jya@pipeline.com, gnu@toad.com
Subject: Statement of Rep. Anna Eshoo on Bernstein vs. the Justice Department Ruling
Date: Thu, 06 May 1999 17:03:13 -0700
From: John Gilmore <gnu@toad.com>

From: "Geary, Kevin" <Kevin.Geary@mail.house.gov>
Subject: Statement of Rep. Anna Eshoo on Bernstein vs. the Justice Department Ruling
Date: Thu, 6 May 1999 19:23:15 -0400 

The following is a copy of Rep. Anna Eshoo's statement on the Bernstein vs.
the Justice Department Ruling.  If anyone has any questions please feel free
to reach me (202) 225-8104 or on my cell phone (202) 744-0067.

Kevin D. Geary
Communications Director
Rep. Anna Eshoo

*	Phone:  (202) 225-8104
*	Fax:      (202) 225-8890
*	Cell:      (202) 744-0067
*	e-mail:  kevin.geary@mail.house.gov
For Immediate Release					    Contact:  Kevin
D. Geary
May 6, 1999							    Phone #:
(202) 225-8104
#:(202) 744-0067	

Statement of Rep. Anna Eshoo on 
Bernstein vs. the Justice Department Ruling

Washington, D.C. - "I'm pleased the federal appeals court has affirmed
Federal District Court Judge Marilyn Patel's original decision that in the
name of national defense, the U.S. government should not restrict the very
liberties it is supposed to be defending.  This decision demonstrates the
judicial branch's understanding of the encryption debate.  Now is the time
for Congress and the Administration to follow suit.   This means passing and
signing into law the SAFE ACT, which will promote the ever increasing growth
of electronic commerce in a secure environment."

Rep. Eshoo is an original cosponsor of H.R. 850, the Security and Freedom
through Encryption (SAFE) Act, which would allow U.S. manufacturers to
export encryption software no more powerful than software already available
in other countries.  As a member of the House Commerce Committee, which 
has partial jurisdiction over the legislation, she has fought Administration 
efforts to weaken the SAFE Act and impose harsher encryption export curbs 
than currently exist.  Rep. Eshoo hosted a major conference on encryption 
reform at Stanford University during the 104th Congress.

- -30-

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